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Sunday, February 13, 2011

Best Is Yet To Come!

So typically on Sundays I absolutely love going to church.  It puts me in such a good mood for the rest of the week and just fills me up.  The past few weeks, and many weeks before that, I have used the "I need sleep" excuse to miss church because for some reason it's just easier to lay back down and pass out for a few hours than to motivate myself to get up and go.  I know in my head and in my heart that I sure don't need sleep more than I need God but I tend to not listen to either of those things, mostly just enjoy the back of my eyelids. 

Well this morning I was in one of those moods.  It was 7:45 and I was struggling.  I kept avoiding the shower and Matt wasn't much help because he likes to sleep in a little extra on the few days that he can.  Well we were running very late so decided to just go to the 10:45 service instead of the 9:00 one.  Crazy thought I know...not sure why we didn't think of that in previous weeks.  But boy am I ever so glad we went. 

I have a little routine when I am not motivated to get ready after a shower.  I dry off and change and then sit on the computer and do my daily things.  Check my mail, get on facebook, do the necessary checking up on the world, and of course get my bejeweled in for the day.  Well I was on today and was looking at the adorable pictures my parents posted for Valentine's week and just started thinking about how honestly wonderful they are.  I have never doubted love, never doubted marriage, and never questioned whether or not two people can love each other forever and I owe it all to them.  They are the epitome of a good marriage.  Sure they know how to push each others buttons but they are so crazy in love and they show it.  They steal kisses all the time, they hold hands, they joke, they laugh, they are seriously happy, their love overflows to us kids and their grandkids and it totally all stems from God, might have taken us a while to REALLY know that but we are there and I love it.  So I told them how amazing they were and then went to church.

Well we got to church and I grabbed a coffee and we went and sat down.  Guess what today's service was about?  Marriage.  And guess what was one of the first things the pastor said?  The amount of people in the Church this morning that have really seen a GOOD marriage was probably minimal.  And all I could think was man, am I lucky.  I am truly blessed to have such a good base.  I held out my whole life for someone who looked at me the way my dad looks at my mom.  Even when my mom thought she wasn't the most beautiful person in the world due to some stupid thing called cancer that she totally kicked in the ass, you better believe he made her feel like the most amazing woman in the world.  And she is.  In his eye's and mine.  And I wanted that.  I wanted that so much I searched for it. I was a sucker for relationships and falling for people.  It got old.  I stopped falling.  And then I met Matt and man did I fall hard.  I fell hard because of the way that he looked at me.  The way I was 100% myself around him and he embraced it.  Sure it might have taken a little time for him to accept it :) but I never really questioned it.  I knew when I looked at him that he was it for me and that I was it for him and I am so glad that nothing else in my life worked out the way I planned because I wouldn't be where I am and that would suck.  Sure we have our bumps.  We packed up our lives and moved 2000 miles across the country, had to find a new job for me, and Matt started his Doctorate program...that's some intense stuff for your first year of marriage, but even with the bumps we are perfect.  I look at him and know that I will love him forever, but I have seen the forever type love.  It doesn't scare me, I know what it looks like, and I love that I have that comfort.  Not only from my parents but God.  I KNOW that love.  I have felt it forever, and before it had a name that I understood, I knew it. 

So this a long post but it was all on my mind since this morning and since tomorrow is Valentines day I figured what better time to gush.  But back to church.  The service was amazing.  So amazing that I would listen to it again and I am so glad we went this morning.  There is too much to type but my favorite part was  at the end when he said "The best is yet to come."  Which I wholeheartedly believe is true.  Even on our BEST days I am so excited to have a million more with Matt.  To have children, to watch them grow up and have kids of their own, to get old together (all in due time) and I am EXCITED!  Sometimes I want to fast forward through some of the days but then I know I need to slow down and really soak up and enjoy every one of them.  I am blessed to have each day with the most amazing man I have ever met.  So I love you Matthew, with all my heart, and Happy Valentine's Day :)  Looking forward to our best.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Singing My Heart Out

So I haven't updated this in a while and I can honestly say it's because I was in self pity mode.  I went to Texas for a week in December and it was such a wonderful wonderful thing to be home, but it made returning to New Hampshire just a little tough.  I missed my husband and all but my wonderful friend Beth said this quote the other day "home is where your mom is" and I totally agree.  My heart seems to still be in Texas and I am waiting to feel 100% comfortable in this up north, uncharted, crazy territory that is New Hampshire.  It's cold up here by the way.  Very cold.  You Texans don't take the wonderful winter weather for granted! 

It's pretty crazy how a little Jesus worshiping can put you in a fantastic mood though.  I have been jamming out to some Shawn McDonald radio on Pandora and it's making me feel wonderful!  I have never been good at the prayer thing, or reading the bible, but the singing thing...I have that down (not that I am Mariah Carey or anything but it's just what I know how to do).  I love it and it makes me feel fantastic! I think I sometimes underestimate how much I need a little Jesus, or a lot of Him really.  There are so many things in my life that apparently need some changing, but right now, the life that I have, I just need to be happy in.  Sure I can work daily to make things better but if I stress about finding a new job, paying bills, and missing the heck out of Texas I am going to be miserable.  I am not a miserable person, I don't do well with being unhappy.  So this is my public declaration to quit being so lame! I want to learn how to play my guitar, I want to be crafty, I want to enjoy the beauty in the snow that is outside (even in negative weather) and I want to enjoy life.  There is sooooo much good going on, especially the fact that my best friend is getting married!!, and I want to just be happy about all of it.  

P.S. my husband is sooo rocking grad school and I couldn't be more proud of him.  It's for sure the biggest thing that makes me know that it's all worth it :)